Archive | October 2017

would you rather be poor but help people or rich and not help people

i would rather be poor and help people because it is not right to judge someone because you are rich i think you should just be rich and poor to help people less fortunate because i am not that rich and yet i help people less fortunate that proves people can help even thought you are poor if the rich would do that then that would show some respect.

would you rather go to jail for 4 years or get away with something but live with regret

i would rather go to jail for 4 years because if i did something it will haunt me for the rest of my life i just would not like to have to live with that regret i cant so i chose to go to jail for 4 years because it is easy that way that is why and just so that i don’t  have to live my whole life with regret because i will have juilt on my shoulders so that is also why.

This entry was posted on October 31, 2017. 1 Comment

is privacy dead

well i know people who have YouTube and Facebook and people know how to hacked  people Facebook and YouTube accounts so that means yes privacy is dead i have a friend who had her Facebook hacked so this means they can find are house, phone number all the stuff we want to keep privet i think privacy is dead if you have it hacked make a new one.

are people more nice in real life or online

i think that people are more nice in real life because they are told what to say online but in real life they can be more nice than online i have a cousin who does YouTube and he is more nice in both but i think he is more nice in real life and i personally think that more people are more nice in real life some people are more nice online but not always so if i had to choose if they are nice in real life or online i will go with real life because i have friends that do YouTube and they are nice.

human rights

human rights can not be violated because of a huge group of safety they are people just like us  so they should be treated like a human being so i think the right should be the same for everyone so the humans rights should not be violated for a huge number of groups safety.